#DailyHandwriting 10, write down 10 varieties of flowers.
Funkiest Latin flower names I could think of. Additional suggestions very welcome.
#DailyHandwriting 9, What would you take for lunch in the park?
I snuck in the following more obscure words:
- Epicure: one with sensitive and discriminating tastes.
- Halcyon: Idyllic time.
- Harbinger: something that foreshadows a future event.
Things I've enjoyed reading this morning:
On the recently-discovered Dionysian cult frescoes in Pompeii:
Anything, anything by Anne Carson:
The newsletter that always brings me such interesting tidbits:
#DailyHandwriting 6, describe your favourite writing instrument.
I snuck in the word 'atavistic' here. Which means doing something that was established a long time ago, by past cultures. Such as writing with a quill. I do now have ink on my nose.
It is finally here!!! As you can see, I started reading it already. It is a large square book with just over 500 pages. Get yours!
#dailyhandwriting 5, Drill for consistency: Write each capital letter of the alphabet 5 times.
I always thought quills and dip pens would be tedious to use, but in general, I can write a sentence without having to dip in between.
#dailyhandwriting 4 How do you feel about spring?
Petrichor's call
Cycle turns with vernal flux,
in zephyr's tune, the sparrows tryst,
Beneath the sky of equinox,
life's woken kiss, in dewy mist.
Petrichor's call, soft and fragrant,
from dormant clay to verdant gest,
from solstice cold, stark and vacant,
to Ostara's warmth on Gaia's breast.
Perennial dance in vibrant glee,
the reaffirm of life's decree,
Nature's lesson, simply free,
to seize and savour existence, be.
My own cursive (I'm now 70) had seriously deteriorated ever since i bought a desktop computer 25 years ago. I got to a point where I felt really ashamed of it and hesitated to hand write any message in birthday or holiday cards.
I have a fondness for old things, and had bought a bunch of circa 1910 humorous postcards. I found the beautiful handwritten script (cursive) personal messages on the backs of the cards to be extremely beautiful and endearing. I secretly wished i could write even slightly like that.
A few years later, I attempted fountain pen writing. As a leftie it was not easy, but I kept at it and altered my hand/arm angles. I loved it! My cursive improved, even becoming better than when i was in school, better than ever before.
Lately I've gone even more towards the 1910 era... have been enjoying using a dip pen with metal nibs and bottles of ink. It really seems to click with my sensibilities. It gives me great pleasure to write in a journal, and I'm super happy when friends and family tell me how much they love getting my cards on various occasions.
My personal journey to reclaim my cursive skills has been so rewarding and enjoyable.
I've always failed to keep up a daily journaling habit, but with the #hobonichi Cousin I finally manage to write every day, diary style. The dated one page per day really motivates me to fill it up. I look forward to journaling now, and even if very little happens during my day I find interesting things to write about. Thoughts I had, feelings to process....it's all really helpful <3
Daily handwriting prompts for March. If you would like to join, please tag your post with #DailyHandwriting
Prompts will be listed in comments as the alt text doesn’t have enough room. #FountainPens #Writing #Handwriting #DailyPrompt
Some criminal #handwriting here - what on earth is the profession? She's transcribed as Kelly, but I think it's Reilly…