Waterman Inspired Blue
Pilot Custom FK-300R M
Despite really liking Waterman inks, I have never tried this one until now—sky blue isn't really my thing generally. But this ink has some nice depth to it. I think I prefer it over Pilot Iro Kon-peki for this color "area". Thanks to @Halfcelestialelf for sending me the sample.
This is written with the pen that I sent for #FPSanta rematch, a very nice vintage Pilot! https://penfount.social/@paradoxmo/113769603372000546
@paradoxmo @Halfcelestialelf I used to love this many years ago, when it was still called Waterman South Seas Blue.
@pixiecata @Halfcelestialelf I kind of wish they had kept the old names, but I get why as a 100% French company these days they would want to have ink names that aren’t tied to places in the Americas (like Florida Blue, South Seas = Hawaii, Havana Brown, etc.), and also some inks had additional names and some didn’t which was inconsistent
@paradoxmo @Halfcelestialelf I liked the old names because I could imagine exactly how the colors looked like, but now I have to look them up. But I have gotten used to using the new names by now.
@paradoxmo The base color looks closer to Ama-iro than Kon-peki, but that is pretty nice overall. I only have Serenity Blue from Waterman and it's decent, too.
@jimp I love Serenity Blue, it’s one of the few inks I’ve bought again after using the bottle
@paradoxmo @Halfcelestialelf that tiny pink sheen is really something, It's interesting to see it showing up subtly in your beautiful handwriting.