__New User Thread__
Are you new to fountain pens, or trying to decide if fountain pens are for you? Reply here with your questions and our helpful members will do their best to answer!
#FPNewbie #FountainPens
@penfount Is, “my pen roll has more space” a valid justification for buying more pens?
@wiersdorf @penfount I know nothing yet even I know the answer to that is a resounding yes!
@penfount If I buy just a nib I like (the Naginata) will it fit on any pen I own, either fountain or dip, or must I buy a corresponding pen for it?
(I like the nib, but not the pens it comes on!)
@bougiewonderland it will probably work on a dip pen as most nib holders will happily take nibs in a range of diameters. But not a fountain pen— it must match the diameter and shape of the feed and section. So no, a particular nib won’t work on any fountain pen, it will only work on the pen it was designed for and ones that are similar enough to it.
@paradoxmo Awesome, thanks!