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#FPNewbie #FountainPens
@penfount recommendations for fountain pens for lefties?
@Roblugton @penfount I can't speak from experience, but I know Lamy have a specific nib for lefties which I've heard works well.
@Roblugton @penfount I am left-handed and use regular fountain pens. The hand angle is different
The new Sailor Tuzu has a nib that can be rotated at 10 degree increments. It should work for lefties.
@backtoanalog @Roblugton @penfount Parker had that 60 years ago; they even supplied a little too to turn the feed.
@backtoanalog @Roblugton @penfount I know because I still have mine - but not the little tool. Use a wad of Kleenex - works fine.
@Roblugton a lot of normal fountain pens work fine for lefties, but since lefties use a variety of grips and writing angles, it can be hard to know until you try. I would recommend trying a Platinum Plaisir F, this is a quality budget pen that isn’t too much of a commitment